Friday, May 28, 2010

Farewell James!

We enjoyed having James in our class for a month, but sadly he is now returning to England. Here James is using a bottle to play Dvorak's 'New World Symphony' - just some of the exciting learning that he participated in.
Good luck James and have a safe return to the UK.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Winnie the Pooh

We had to paint our favourite book character because we were reading an article about Gus Sinaumea Hunter, an illustrator from Wellington.
Gus said to visualise the picture in your head before you start drawing, draw what you see not what you think you see, when adding colour work your way from the background to the foreground - which no-one did! and practise if you want to be good.
It was fun and I learned how to paint good pictures.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Recycled Instruments

This recycled tambourine was made out of an old stove from around the top of the elements.
I designed it from a normal tambourine, but I wanted it to be unique, by putting the clickers in the middle instead of on the outside.

My dad drilled the holes through it and I held the two pieces together while he screwed three bolts to hold the pieces together. I didn't paint it because it's stainless steel.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Maths Super Heroes!

Anonymous, Shay and Chris got the top scores in the Number Maths test yesterday, demonstrating that they have a perfect knowledge of the work covered in the Number unit.

They achieved this by learning alot, listening in class and practising at home...and that goes to show that hard work pays off!

They feel awesome and that they have achieved alot.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Anna Coddington Latest News Report!

Anna Coddington has come to teach 10 students from Room 14 and 8 to write and to perform their own songs, using vocals and musical instruments.

Anna has kindly been sent to us courtesy of the NZ Music Commission as part of 'May is New Zealand Music Month'. This wonderful opportunity is inspiring us to write and to go with our imaginations and our dreams.

Anna and the 10 students are performing their work to the whole school Wednesday 26 May 2010 at 12 noon - come and enjoy the performance of our future famous singers!

Anna's website:

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Anna's personal action plan

This is what I'm doing to help stop Global Warming. What are you going to do?

Chris' personal action plan:

This is my plan of what I'm going to do to prevent Global Warming. How are you going to stop it?