Wednesday, October 20, 2010


We have started testing to gather data for reporting back to whanau later this term and some interesting results have started to come through.
So far Room 14 has completed the IKAN test (Maths knowledge) and Basic Facts test.
IKAN results:
Arabella and Chris both scored a massive Stage 8 (the highest stage) jumping 2 Stage levels - they are expected to be at Stage 6!
Zyra, Eleanor, Kelsey, Jake and Scott jumped one Stage to reach Stage 6. The remainder of the class maintained their levels from the beginning of the year.
Basic Facts results:
Arabella jumped 3 sub-levels and scored 4A! Sophie and AJ improved 2 sub-levels and scored 3P.
Scott and Eleanor both moved up 1 sub-level, while Jaime-Lee, Tom, Jake, and Cody remained sitting comfortably on 4A.
At Year 6 the children are expected to be at Level 3, while at Year 8 they should be at Level 4, so for our Year 7's at this stage of the year, they should at least be sitting on 3A ready to move into 4B.
Remember that Basic Facts is a weekly homework activity that students so be doing, along with a minimum of 1 hour per week on Mathletics.

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